10 Most Disappointing Triple-A Games Of 2023

7. Atomic Heart

Atomic heart

Now to be fair to Atomic Heart, it's a AAA game from a brand new studio, Mundfish, which appeared to be punching well above its weight - at least if the game's marketing was any indication.

Trailers sold it as a visually stunning FPS with a unique alt-history hook and some absolutely fantastic art direction. And while those things are all true for the game's opening, Atomic Heart's charms and superficial appeal quickly wear thin.

From its obnoxious protagonist to its consistently edgy dialogue, messy story, and dull mission objectives, Atomic Heart struggles to maintain interest over its 15-hour critical path.

Though clearly liberally inspired by the BioShock franchise, Atomic Heart ultimately lacks the finesse, charm, and, yes, heart of that series.

It's certainly not an awful game by any means, but a clumsy swing at a laudably ambitious concept, and as such one of 2023's biggest gaming letdowns.

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Atomic Heart
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.