10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

5. Rage 2

Rage 2
iD Software

The original Rage gets a lot of s**t despite being an actually pretty solid and promising shooter. It had its problems, and it came at a time where Id Software weren't firing on all cylinders like they are today, but there was the potential for a great franchise. Fast-forward eight years, and the team had finally found the time to dust the series off, attempting a revival - this time with a new aesthetic and tone - with the help of Avalanche Studios.

The trailers looked great as well, with a charming, punky approach to the post-apocalyptic world that looked far more appealing than the original's drab, dreary plodding. The sequel essentially looked like an open world Doom with the car combat of Avalanche's Mad Max - i.e. the best damn thing ever.

While that synergy did come together a few times in the final release, for the most part Rage 2 was a surprisingly fragmented experience. The shooting felt impactful and satisfying as expected, but there wasn't enough of it; driving was fine, but it was only used to cover space; the open-world had its charm, but was full of cookie-cutter missions.

Sadly, while some games like Days Gone can just about overcome this bloat, it suffocated Rage 2.

In this post: 
Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3