10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The GENERATION

5. Mighty No. 9

mighty no 9
Deep Silver

As we found across the generation, fan-funding can be a mighty poisonous double-edged sword.

On the one hand you've got titles that deliver exactly what they set out to do, like Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, but on the other are the Godus' of this world, or more disastrously, the Mighty No. 9s.

Assembled as a spiritual successor to Mega Man - because Keiji Inafune couldn't get Capcom to green light an official sequel - Mighty No. 9 hoovered up $3.8 million to deliver this "dream project", only to then spend the money in all the wrong places.

See, No. 9's original project goal was based around acquiring $900,000. When over four times that amount came in, Inti Creates began working on WAY too many versions of the game at once. They added features nobody wanted, and stretched themselves way too thin, resulting in a title that looked like a cheap knockoff to the main brand, rather than a loving continuation.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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