10 Most Disgusting Video Game Deaths

7. Ellie's Revenge - The Last Of Us

It's often said that man's biggest foe is man itself. Sure, the world of the Last of Us may be populated with cordyceps infested "zombies", but it's the humans that give our gang the most trouble in their adventure.

Which Ellie finds out firsthand when on a mission to find supplies for a wounded Joel, as she comes across David and his men. Far from being standard looters, they take the extremes of a failing society further by resorting to cannibalism, which they intend to do to Ellie.

So, naturally, he's a bad guy. He has to die.

But rather than a straight shootout, Ellie has to sneak up on the crafty cannibal to get the upper hand. But rather than offing him and being done with it, Naughty Dog chose this point of no return to drive the realities of survival into Ellie.

With a dozen horrible, thudding, heavy machete blows to the head.

It's only a Joel ex machina that stops us having to endure more, but the damage is done. For both the player and Ellie, it was a eye-opening moment.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.