10 Most Effective Jump Scares In Sci-Fi Video Games

1. Iron Lung - The Reveal

Iron Lung Eye
David Szymanski

...and "truly special" is an apt descriptor for Iron Lung.

A taut, claustrophobic thriller set in an ailing submarine, the game is well worth the hour it takes to finish.

And holy hell, does that finish live up to everything that precedes it.

Like all good horror games, Iron Lung ratchets up the tension and dread felt by the player before the s**t hits the fan. The game tasks you with driving a submarine around a literal blood moon - as in, a moon covered in a sea of blood. All the while, the vehicle creaks, moans and seems constantly on the verge of breaking down, and you're painfully aware that something is watching your every move.

Finally, after 60 minutes of nauseous fear - fear of your submarine falling apart, fear of what might be outside its walls - you're given one last set of coordinates. Input them and...

...well, let's just say that you'll soon find out what's been watching you this whole time.

Words can't really do this moment justice. After you've collected yourself - and your skeleton has sheepishly slipped back into the skin it just leapt out of - all you can do is raise a glass of your beverage of choice to Davis Syzmanski, Iron Lung's sole developer.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.