10 Most Embarrassingly Poor Superhero Games Ever Made

2. Batman Forever (SNES)

Batman-Forever Released: 1995 Batman Forever the movie wasn't the worst Bat flick (that honor goes to the horrific Batman &Robin). Batman Forever the game on the other hand is most definitely the worst Batman video game of all time. The game was released along with the movie and you could play as Batman or Robi,n but you were better off playing as nobody and just staying home eating a bowl of Apple Jacks instead. Why It Sucks: The game is a beat em€™ up style game similar to Mortal Kombat which just doesn't work at all. The controls are ridiculous; you will spend at least 20 minutes at a time in the same place trying to figure out what to do. The villains are impossible to kill, you can hit them all you want but they just seem to keep getting back up. They have made plenty of playable and enjoyable Batman games but this was definitely not one of them.
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com