10 Most Enormous Bosses In Video Games

8. Dalamadur - Monster Hunter 4

Dalamadur - Monster Hunter 4

From a sandworm to a snake-esque Elder Dragon, we’re migrating to the home of beasties large and small, the Monster Hunter franchise.

There’s a bit of disagreement over who is the largest monster in Monster Hunter. There’s The Laviente who, at a sprawling though thin 450 metres, pretty much embodies what it’s like to fight terrain. Then there’s Zorah Magdaros, essentially a sentient volcano that wants to kill you coming in at a shorter 258 metres, but almost certainly topping the highest weight class.

Then we have Dalamadur, the Serpent King Dragon, who given his length of 440 metres and thicker frame than Laviente, gets our vote for biggest boy in all the land.

It’s tricky to be iconic in a series full of iconic fearsome monsters but Dalamadur pulls it off.

There’s so much of him, he doesn’t even fit on the screen while you’re fighting him so you’re reduced to hacking at whatever particular scale happens to be in front of you and hoping for the best. He attacks with fire but I don’t know how much that’s going to worry you when you’re crushed under one of his claws.

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