10 Most Enormous Bosses In Video Games

6. Grün - NieR: Automata

nier automata grun
Square Enix

According to the Nier: Automata strategy guide, Grun is at least 2 kilometres tall. He’s also a multi-stage boss battle, which is a shame because he looks kind of cute before all the trying to murder you.

This thing is way too gigantic to take on from the ground so you’ll be airborne while trying to avoid bullet hell projectiles and lasers abound in the world’s toughest edition of space invaders. You’ll run into the goliath in Chapter 07-02: The Aircraft Carrier once you’ve hit the Flooded City. It was created to kill off androids but incidentally it just so happened to also kill its fellow machines so it was abandoned in the depths of the ocean. The game even tells you he tried his best to be good and kind, and upon being discarded in the sea, cried out for his Mother.

So that’s pretty freaking sad, and I’m sure you feel pretty guilty about shooting missiles into its mouth.

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