10 Most Enormous Bosses In Video Games

3. Gongen Wyzen - Asura’s Wrath

asuras wrath wyzen

Wyzen’s final form, Gongen Wyzen, is not only the major antagonist of Asura’s Wrath, he grows to the size of a whole ass planet.

More than big enough to squash Asura with a fingertip at roughly the size of the planet Gaia, this enormous foe is a threat of epic proportions. The only way of taking out the powerhouse of the Seven Deities whose Mantra Affinity is aptly ‘violence’ is for Asura to channel all of his wrath into a six-armed blow that connects with the very end of Gongen Wyzen’s enormous fingertip.

The mighty punch sends a chain reaction that thunders through the villain’s entire 12,500 kilometre large body. Mashing buttons and getting mad has never felt cool.

It’s awesome, Asura is epic, and the triumph is absolutely thrilling.

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