10 Most Epic Moments In Super Mario History

5. Meeting Yoshi - Super Mario World

Mario Odyssey New Donk Festival

Shigeru Miyamoto had actually laid out plans for a companion for Super Mario ever since the initial story boarding stage of the very first game, but technical limitations at the time meant that it wasn't something Nintendo could even begin to think about bringing in until the introduction of the SNES and Super Mario World in 1990.

And Mario's dinosaur companions were all over Super Mario World. From the very first level, it's clear that the majority of the levels in the game are designed with these Yoshi in mind, with their multiple platforms, big jumps and bottomless pits. Super Mario World was also the first game in the series to have a story revolving around a side character, with the Yoshi trying to reclaim their eggs from Bowser making for a real wholesome experience for new and veteran players.

Yoshi has gone on to become one of the most beloved characters in the whole franchise following Super Mario World, appearing in all but a handful of 2D and 3D games released after. He has his own successful spin off series, a whole niche market filled with different kinds of merchandise and has established himself as one of the go-to picks for other games in the Nintendo family such as Mario Tennis or Mario Kart.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.