10 Most Essential Nintendo Switch Games (So Far)

2. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

Mario rabbids kingdom battle

One of the most out-of-left-field franchise combinations in gaming history, nobody thought meshing Mario with the beloved Minions-inspiring Rabbids would be a recipe for success, but Kingdom Battle is - against all odds - genuinely an incredibly well made game.

Easily the most quality-tested thing Ubisoft have put their name to in years, Mario + Rabbids initially pegs itself as a turn-based XCOM-style strategy game. However, the subtle deviation to gameplay comes from knowing you can combo a number of moves together into any given turn.

Say you want to relocate a character, running their path through an enemy results in a slide tackle - just the same as placing other heroes within accessible distance means you can leap off them and come crashing down on far-away enemies. Put these basics into practice - alongside all sorts of status effect-inducing bullets, height advantages and flanking tactics - and you have a surprisingly refreshing, almost 'relaxing' take on one of gaming's most stressful genres.

You did Ubisoft, very good indeed.

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