10 Most Essential Nintendo Switch Games (So Far)
1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

You knew it, I knew it, we all knew it: Breath of the Wild was always going to be number one. Not necessarily because it's as immediately playable as something like Fast RMX or as tactically rewarding as Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, but because it can be all these things and much, much more.
Playing as Link waking after a 100 year coma, you're then tasked with exploring one of the most dynamically interactive, content-stuffed and ultimately rewarding open worlds in gaming history. Rolling together outpost-clearing, underground puzzle shrines, survival aspects, climbing, cooking, gliding and more, Link slowly becomes the 'Hero of Hyrule' the local populace keep describing.
Ultimately it sets up an ever-expanding gameplay loop of hunting, gathering, stabbing and acquiring experience in tow - however the really cool thing is that it's YOU as a player who get better. Combining Link's various abilities, figuring out how to group-manage platoons of foes and scale mountains by resting in the right spots - it's all about YOU becoming the hero, as you then fell Ganon and save the land.
You always had this move set, it was just a case of learning, remembering and refining it until you could defend the realm once again.
There's no better overall story in gaming, and come the close of the year, it'll be amazing if anything knocks Breath of the Wild off the top spot.