10 Most Famous Video Game Cheat Codes

5. Blood Code - Mortal Kombat (1992)

Nowadays, Mortal Kombat without lorryloads of blood and gore would be like a great white shark without teeth. Still not terrible, as far as their purpose goes, but just...not complete.

Sadly, that wasn't always the case, as the original Mortal Kombat's level of violence was too much for some distributers to handle, and the blood was censored out. You can only imagine the developers' anger after all the gruesome work they'd put into those fatalities.

But all was not lost, for a beloved cheat code will restore the game to how it was always meant to be: an unholy orgy of blood, bones and body parts.

In the NES version of the game, you'll see a cryptic screen explaining the definitions of the word 'code' - which, as it turns out, is itself a code! Keying in ABACABB on this screen causes the text to go red, and a final message to appear saying:


Now, if you carry on to the main game expecting spines to be ripped from bodies and heads to be smashed open with a single punch, you won't be disappointed. This is one cheat code you're not going to forget anytime soon.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.