10 Most Formidable AI Enemies In Gaming

These guys knew what you were going to do before you did.

shadow of mordor black captain

Even though gamers love a challenge, it has to be the right type. If your opponent relies on cheap tricks like reading your inputs or catching up in a race no matter your lead, the odds are stacked against you, no matter how flawlessly you play. 

That's why it's heavily appreciated when a game has some really solid enemy AI. When an adversary adapts to your skills, diversifies their methods, and relies on teamwork, you don't mind so much when they blow your head off (usually).

Enemies like this are great because they normally can't be defeated by button mashing or with a catch-all strategy. Instead, players need to study these villains moment by moment, looking for the opportune time to strike. 

Even if one tactic works, it mightn't be effective the next time, forcing players to constantly adapt. Although this can be infuriating, it creates a more enriching gaming experience, as players have to think outside the box if they intend to progress.

The enemies on this list may have killed us more times than we would like to admit, but it's hard not to admire how well each of them was programmed.

10. Standard Goons - Sifu

shadow of mordor black captain

To make things fair, open-world titles like Assassin's Creed have enemies take turns attacking the main character. It may not be realistic, but it gives you a fighting chance.

However, Sifu decided to do away with this trope. Although it's hard to discuss Slocap's innovative beat 'em up without focusing on the aging mechanic, that shouldn't overshadow the remarkable enemy AI. Even though the protagonist is a martial arts expert with 150 moves under their belt, going against a dozen thugs is no easy task, especially when they swarm you all at once.

Though some enemies hang around in the back during a brawl, it's not to give you a chance. Instead, they're waiting for you to let your guard down so they can pounce.

After unlocking most abilities, you'd think these scraps would be a cake-walk. Instead, the baddies begin relying on cheap ploys. If you keep dodging their attacks, they'll sweep you off your feet. Other times, the goons hurl bats and pipes at you, chipping at your health while they keep their distance. They'll also encircle you any chance they get, to stop you escaping.

It just goes to show that no matter how powerful you think you are, the simplest foe can humble you if you're not paying attention.

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James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85