10 Most Formidable AI Enemies In Gaming

4. Factions - Tom Clancy's The Division 2

shadow of mordor black captain

While putting together The Division sequel, lead AI programmer, Philip Dunstan, utilised his expertise to create more nuanced combat. Using a proprietary behaviour tree system, the NPCs are always adapting to their environment, each other, and the player.

Snipers reposition themselves to find the best spot to shoot you or to avoid being spotted. Enemy soldiers find the most appropriate cover based on where you are positioned. 

But the enemy AI isn't just programmed individually, but collectively. One enemy faction may act disruptively, rapidly repositioning themselves to throw the player off. Another may be more cautious, maintaining an optimal distance or retreat when things don't go their way.

One team may give verbal demands, so you can figure out what they're up to if you listen attentively. Alternatively, some factions communicate through visual signals, meaning you need to look at them to deduce their next course of action. (Try not to get shot while doing that though.)

Not only that, enemies won't carry out their central objective if it's not in their best interest. Even though enemy medics are supposed to look after the wounded, they'll abandon their posts if the danger is too great.

After seeing how naturally these characters interact and adapt, it's hard to believe they're computer-controlled. 

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