10 Most Formidable AI Enemies In Gaming

2. Uruk Captains - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor

shadow of mordor black captain

Even though Shadow of Mordor was applauded for its combat, performances, and soundtrack, it was the Nemesis system that received the most attention.

This feature keeps track of every Uruk, monitoring how often they've survived an encounter or killed the hero. If they performed proficiently in battle, these overgrown goblins will be promoted to captains. At first, this seems like a good thing since their defeat will bestow you with a batch of goodies.

However, being killed by a captain will make them smarter and grant them additional power. Rather than facing them head on, it's best to interrogate their subjects to learn how to exploit the uber-Uruks' weaknesses.

Even though this can be time-consuming, it encourages players to work smarter, which can ultimately make missions easier. By slaughtering the Uruk captains, you can create discourse amongst Sauron's ranks or convert his minions to your cause.

The Nemesis system doesn't just provide a more tactical playthrough, but a personal one. It's a memorable moment when you encounter one of your arch-rivals, since your actions directly fuelled the vendetta. Since these confrontations are different upon every playthrough, it makes the whole experience extra special.

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