10 Most Frustratingly Difficult Video Game Levels Of All-Time

1. The Turbo Tunnel - Battletoads (NES)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye-kPP3D27o Battletoads is one game renowed for the fact it probably resulted in more NES consoles being hurled through windows late at night than any other. And its reputation is justified: the game is a living hell. From a programming perspective, at least, Battletoads is a kick in the teeth, purely because there's no way the people that made this game could've blindly missed the fact that it was too hard. Though we might've picked out just about any level from a game that should've made you sign a waver to ensure you were okay to die over and over and over again, the prize goes wholly to its third level: "The Turbo Tunnel." This is one of those levels that tried to vary the gameplay a little (an honourable thing in the NES era, really), so you're put on a bike-thing (or the Battletoads universe equivalent) and made to dodge over a hundred intricately placed pylons, all of which approach at the speed of, oh, say, a rocket jet. Point is, you'd lose all your lives here and the rest of the game would be impossible to complete. Actually, even if you had a million lives, the rest of the game would be impossible to complete. That's Battletoads! Agree or disagree with our choices? How many have you beat? Which video game levels did you find impossibly hard to complete? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.