10 Most Hated Enemy Types In Gaming

7. Ones That Restore Health

dark souls basilisk

One of the most gimmicky and forced mechanics in the world of gaming, the video game enemies that cheat with their health are, without a doubt, one of the most infuriating things ever invented.

Usually reserved for big boss battles or the types of baddies that are meant to provide a cinematic and challenging test, anyone who has ever played a Pokemon title and experienced a trainer giving an Alakazam a Full Restore will know exactly how bad these types can be. Any sort of vampire, priest, or healer is usually a solid culprit of a bit of health bar cheating too.

Health bars are one of the staples of measuring progress in the gaming world; 'deal damage to an enemy until their health bar lowers to kill an enemy'.

To go through all the hassle of a big fight, draining resources and health taking them down, only to then have a cheap 'oh, they're fully healed - go do all of that again' will never be something players are going to be happy seeing.

Seeing the health bar quickly fill up ten times quicker than it took to drain it isn't challenging or rewarding, it's just cheap and annoying. Just accept the player is better than you, game.

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Dark Souls
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.