10 Most Hated NPCs In Video Games

7. Roman, Lester, Everyone Who Won’t Stop Calling - GTA

Gta 4 Roman
Rockstar Games

Open world games are wonderful. You have the freedom to do what you want, when you want. Shoot up the town, go shopping, chase down some side missions, totally up to you. It’s a great vibe. Unless you have a cousin calling you asking if you wanna go bowling every second of the damn day.

Now, I don’t have anything against Roman, though he has his low points, but Niko is a busy guy and by extension so are we so it’d be awesome if we weren’t at the top of his speed dial.

Same goes for Lester who I guess has some kind of codependence issue going off how much time he seems to need to spend on the phone to you in GTA Online. Actually, anyone who ever gets your phone number seems to call every minute of the goddamn day in GTA Online.

Things are a little insidious there too, because the only way to get them to stop calling is to do what they say. Which usually costs a lot of money. Which, unless you want to grind for it, you can only get by spending real world money. No wonder GTA Online is making bank.

Feeling like everyone’s only friend and errand boy really digs into the fun of joyriding and doing crimes around town. Especially when they’re just calling to have the same chat you had ten minutes ago. We just bowled Roman, we were just there, please, go find someone else to bother.

Honestly, if someone could just take Roman’s phone away he wouldn’t be on this list but here we are.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.