10 Most Hated NPCs In Video Games

3. Eric Sparrow - Tony Hawk’s Underground

eric sparrow tony hawks underground

From someone who isn’t actively trying to be terrible to someone who appears to be campaigning for gaming’s biggest jerk, we’ve got Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk’s Underground.

Eric is supposed to be your best mate in the game but the douchebag regularly betrays you, steals your skate tape, and sticks you with the consequences of his dumbass actions like setting a drug dealers’ car on fire, insulting a cop, and stealing a tank which gets you arrested by the Russian military. The giant backstabber turns into the game’s main antagonist so if nothing else you’re wildly motivated to do well and show up the little sucker who insists he’s better than you.

Fortunately there is an alternate ending where instead of going up against him to get your tape back, you can just punch him and take it off him. That’s pretty satisfying.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.