10 Most Haunting Video Game Collectibles

6. Lulu's Doll - Final Fantasy X

Amnesia dark descent
Square Enix

Final Fantasy X was one of the most ambitious and successful titles to have been made following its release back in 2001, with one of the biggest factors behind this acclaim being the acute attention to detail Hironobu Sakaguchi emphasised for the game's world, characters and overall feel compared to its predecessors.

One of the best exhibits of this new direction comes in the form of Lulu, one of the party members players can recruit in the game. Lulu is a Black Mage who uses Black Magic in battle, wielding plush toys as dolls in a sort of homage to classic voodoo practices players would be familiar with.

It's revealed in Final Fantasy X-2 that Lulu's dolls are actually fully sentient beings with a child-like mentality, suddenly casting a very different shade on this potential ally. What's more, it's shown that these dolls look up to Lulu as their mother, something that she doesn't seem all together aware, which just further makes this whole collection of items to be quite a bit more unsettling than what even the developers might have had planned.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.