10 Most Humiliating Ways To Die In Multiplayer Video Games
7. Killing Yourself With Your Own Killstreak - Call Of Duty
Love it or hate it, there aren't many things in gaming that can match the thrill of racking up a killstreak in Call of Duty.
Dating back to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, players have stumbled and panicked their way into accumulating obscenely high kill streak rewards, allowing them to call in everything from airstrikes, helicopters, to something as ridiculous as a 'tactical' nuclear bomb.
Most of the time, these rewards give players a massive boost and can put some real distance between you and the opposing team. Other times though, that eagerness to get onto the next streak can end up having the opposite effect.
Unless you're playing Hardcore, friendly fire isn't really a 'thing' in Call of Duty. What has been a constant, however, is that you can always kill yourself with your own explosives, be they claymores, grenades, C4, or a renegade killstreak.
There is absolutely nothing worse in these games than when you call in an airstrike in the heat of the moment, only to then accidentally walk into it as you're on your way to your next big killstreak. It's a difficult thing to do - sure - but when it happens, oh boy does it stink.