10 Most Iconic Gaming Cheat Codes Ever

7. Skyrim: Console Commands (PC)

In the age of online, rewards-based gaming, cheat codes are becoming less and less common. Thanks Skyrim, for bringing us back to the well-loved basics. With the range of seriously OP commands available in Skyrim's console commands, any casual PC gamer can feel like an uber-hacker. The simple Tilde (`) key will bring you through the rabbit hole into a Skyrim where anything is possible if you just have the right code. Probably the very best of these commands is the simple 'tgm' - the God Mode. It makes you invincible, and you can have endless fun taunting other players by defying the laws of the Skyrim universe. Other fantastic cheats include, of course, endless free gold and the ability to add mods. The famous, independently-created nude mods are some of the most intricate and sexiest in the gaming world.
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Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.