10 Most Iconic Levels In Video Game History

2. World 1-1 - Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. World 1 1

The music, the enemy layouts, those first few question mark boxes and the satisfaction of unlocking coins and mushrooms when they were hit. There's something about the combination of Nintendo's responsive control scheme with a chirpy, uplifting score from Koji Kondo that brought a smile not only to those who played back in 1985, but that works with immortal positivity today,

Analysing the rest of the level, that first Goomba likely costing your first life is the best way to introduce you to the perils of charging ahead. Question mark boxes teach you about jumping, and as you were experimenting with the feel of Mario himself, you probably smashed open a brick or two, further encouraging you to play with the tools at hand.

It's subtly brilliant, and as you start to bring these mechanics together, you'll spy a finishing flag accompanied by a staircase, just begging for the level to be finished in style.

It's a tough call for this not to take the top spot, but I think there is one better...

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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