10 Most Iconic Opening Sequences In Video Game History

9. God Of War

God of War hydra boss

While all of the God of War games begin with a massive set piece moment, the first games opening has to be the most iconic for the simple fact that nobody knew what to expect. God of War was a unknown property at the time, and so gamers were left speechless when the game came out swinging; putting you in control of Kratos as he fights for his life against a multi-headed Hydra within the first few minutes.

Instantly you are transported into the world of Greek mythology on steroids. As a sea storm rages around you, tearing ships apart, you fight off dozens of enemies, all while the Hydra appears periodically to gobble you up. It is visually spectacular and operates as a very effective way to teach the game to the player by essentially throwing them into the deep end without a floaty. In fact, its so good, none of the following boss encounters managed to live up to it.

This opening set the standard for the opening moments in all the God of War games, and while the sequels always managed to up the ante in epic and satisfying ways, none of them ever could catch us by surprise in the way the first did. In many ways God of Wars beginning moments encapsulate everything we would grow to love about the series, and as far as first impressions go, it doesnt get more efficient than that.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.