10 Most Iconic Swords In Gaming History

1. The Master Sword

Assassin S Creed Valhalla Excalibur

From a sword that is the embodiment of evil to a sword that is the embodiment of all things good, we’re ending this one on a win for the non-world domination team.

I know you saw this one coming from a mile away but I’d argue that’s because it is the most iconic video game sword which is why it’s all the way up the top here at number one. As one of the core narrative and mechanical elements of perhaps the biggest video game franchise in existence, The Master Sword needs no further explanation but let’s give it one anyway.

If Cloud and his Buster Sword are a pair we just can't separate then Link and The Master Sword may be ever moreso, being that the Master Sword is a symbol of Link’s hero’s journey.

Learning about the sword’s hidden power, its history, and significance in each of its recurrent appearances throughout the Legend of Zelda series is as important to the story as the lore behind Zelda or even Link himself. Enormously powerful as a tool for fighting the forces of darkness and transcending timelines to take on whatever nasty is hellbent on world domination, the Master Sword is fully deserving of child Link’s trademark awestruck gaze. The Master Sword or Blade of Evil’s Bane might go by a few different names but we know that blue hilt and triforce combo when we see it.

The fact that we don’t ever get tired of seeing it return really speaks for itself, as between its classic design and impressive might, it never lets us down. I feel like I just wrote a love letter to a sword but I’m alright with it. Drop me your version in the comment box, though.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.