10 Most Impressive Open World Video Games Since 2010
9. The Crew
Driving games can often be a bit boring, as when all you can do is tackle a series of set tracks again and again, the spectacle can start to wear thin. Hurtling around in an array of awesome sports cars is fun as a base premise, but adding an unbelievably massive open sandbox world can be fun for hours on end.
Just ask Burnout Paradise.
Replicating the USA, The Crew allows you to drive from the east coast to the west coast and all the bits in between. Getting lost is easy, considering just how massive in scope the game's world is.
It so easy to just set a destination and start driving, enjoying the beautiful skyline as you go. And whilst it doesn't have that high octane pressure of a specific racetrack, blasting down country roads with music blaring and soaking in the stunning vistas is hard to beat.