10 Most Influential LGBT Characters In Video Games
Which characters can the LGBT community have the most pride in?

Blizzard recently released a short confirming that a second playable character in Overwatch is LGBT, leading to some discussion over representation in gaming. Historically, the queer community has been under represented in mainstream entertainment, but possibly nowhere is that more obvious than in gaming.
Under representation in video games is nothing new, however. In 2014, The Guardian reported that only 5% of games had female protagonists. For the LGBT community or people of colour, various evidence suggests their percentage is even lower.
It makes sense, in a way. Gaming is a much newer art form than movies or television, and it could be argued it needs to be given leeway to catch up. With triple A budgets now rivalling Hollywood though, the time for excuses is over.
Despite the chronic under representation (and the backlash to varying degrees whenever queer characters to do appear), there are a few who have broken boundaries, or offered a fresh perspective.
For this list, playable RPG characters have been disqualified. It’s great that developers allow players to construct their own narrative, but exploration of representation is rarely expansive when things have to be kept open for the character to be played as straight as well.
10. Soldier 76 - Overwatch

Influential might be pushing it, given his sexuality as a gay man just been revealed, but it’s caused a considerable stir in some dark corners and shows there’s still a way for gaming to go yet.
It should be noted that most Overwatch players have either welcomed Soldier 76’s coming out or haven’t particularly cared at all. While members of the LGBT community are obviously happy to have another major character join their ranks, the gamers who don’t care either way are arguably much more important.
Getting to the point where sexuality is no longer newsworthy is the end goal. However, considering shaving commercials encouraging men not to bully people or sexually harass women receive vocal backlash, we clearly do not live in that world yet.
A minority have been quick to point out it’s been wedged in, because up until now you couldn’t tell he was gay. But isn’t that the point? Having it just exist? Much like in real life, you can’t tell a video game character’s sexuality just by looking at them.
How influential having a gay male protagonist in a massive online shooter will be remains to be seen. Whatever happens though, it’s certainly refreshing.