10 Most Insulting Kinds Of Video Game DLC

9. Day One DLCs

Kai Leng Mass Effect 3

Ah, the Day One DLC. If it isn’t free and wasn’t put in late simply because the game had shipped before it was ready, they’re very rarely received well.

There’s very little a developer or publisher can do to convince gamers as to why Day One DLCs weren’t simply included in the base game. Particularly when you’re paying for a full-priced game, it just seems money-grubbing and shady to ask players to spend even more of their hard-earned funds on what you could safely assume is content that was already developed and designed to go part and parcel with the base game. Whether we’re pointing the finger at Mass Effect 3’s Day One DLC, or the BioShock 2 DLC where the content existed on the shipped disc and buying the DLC essentially gave you an unlock code for it, none of it looks good from a consumer side.

Of course, if you can get another $15 bucks out of gamers, it looks great from a business side, but EA and 2K absolutely paid for it on the other side by fostering a lot of ill-will from their fanbases.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.