10 Most Insulting Kinds Of Video Game DLC

4. Loot Boxes


There’s no way we were getting to the end of this list without mentioning loot boxes and while there’s a bit of overlap between them and non-cosmetics, often they are cosmetic. While that’s a bit better, the fact that you never know what you’re going to get is definitely worse.

Spending real world money on randomised gear, cosmetics, and the like has become such an issue governments are beginning to legislate against it. Whether or not you agree with that or where you stand on gambling, it’s pretty understood that loot boxes are absolutely insidious, preying on your dopamine-receptors with tempting wind ups to opening them, bright colours, and big sound effects only to real you got, like, a hat or something. But maybe you wanted that hat, it probably depends if it was a common hat or a rare hat.

While many loot boxes can be obtained through regular play, most games that feature them will keep a message nearby notifying you that you can buy a whole bunch of them at once if you just part with a handful of real world dollars.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.