10 Most Intense Moral Choices In Video Game History

"Dammit... I should've done the other one"

Splinter Cell kill lambert double agent

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and while that saying may not originally be about video games, it certainly fits. More often than not some of the most memorable parts of any title come from certain moments of conversation; sections of a game where the developers give the player full control as to how they want their character to react to a particular situation.

It’s always been an intoxicating prospect; the ability to shape your own story through personalised actions and choices in video games. It’s why most titles these days give the player at least a couple of decisions they have to make to progress, allowing them the ability to personalise the experience closer to their own liking.

However, there are times where player autonomy and freedom becomes a curse rather than a gift. In fact, the hardest parts of certain games aren’t particularly demanding boss battles or sensational set-pieces, but can be the simple act of choosing between two options in a small, quiet room.

It could decide the life of a companion you've spent the entire game with, or a it could be a simpler, more innocuous character moment that results in that person either hating or loving you for the rest of their digital lives. Either way, it's amazing how these seemingly cut and dry decisions can provide some of the most harrowing video game experiences ever.

Of course, the upcoming list is going to be absolutely riddled with spoilers - you've been warned.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3