10 Most Likely Lego Games We Need To See

3. Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean 2

Fast and the furious lego

With the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 6 and a spin-off there will be plenty of new Pirates content to be adapted into a new game. Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge / Dead Men Tell No Tales also hasn't got the Lego treatment so they could throw that in there as well.

Of course, they could just adapt these three movies to coincide with either the spin-off or the sixth film depending on which is released last. That or they could go back and redo the other four movies as well to make this the ultimate Lego Pirates of the Caribbean game, similar to what they're doing with Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

As great as the adaptation of the original four films is, there's room for improvement.

A Caribbean hub world with proper pirate ship sailing mechanics, including ship battles and side quests involving looking for treasure on explorable unmarked islands would be so much fun.

Collecting ships in the original wasn't that interesting because you had nowhere to sail them besides a small pond, give us an ocean and collecting the likes of the Black Pearl, the Flying Dutchman, and Queen Anne's Revenge will suddenly be worth it.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.