10 Most Overlooked PS4 Gems Of 2017 (So Far)

2. What Remains Of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch

'Narrative adventures' or 'walking simulators' make many run for the hills, and let it be known that What Remains of Edith Finch is by all means one of the most 'airy fairy' interpretational of the bunch. Though, if that's your sort of thing, it's also one of the most rewarding.

Set up like some cruel, twisted Roald Dahl-esque fairytale, you play the titular Edith Finch rediscovering her childhood home after her entire bloodline has succumbed to a mysterious family 'curse'. The game's tone is then a strangely unique mix of semi-lighthearted character-based affectations as you discover family members' rooms and their belongings, mixed with the harrowing stories of how they met their demise.

Brilliantly, you actually play the embellished stories of these past Finches, seeing developers Giant Sparrow flex their innovative game design muscles. One scene has you controlling a shape-shifting Finch as she experiences life as an owl, whilst another tells the tale of a relative who gets increasingly consumed by a fantasy land made up in his own mind - shown by you 'losing' parts of the controller's function to his increasingly OTT whims.

It's exceedingly weird, but that's precisely why we need it as part of the industry. Quirky auteurs like Hideo Kojima and David Cage have to take influence from something, and it starts with creations like this.

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