10 Most Overpriced DLC Packs In Gaming History

9. <span Style="font-size: 17.55px;">A $50,000 Chisel - C</span>uriosity

curiosity game dlc
22 Cans

Peter Molyneux is a man of infamy in the games industry, among the likes of Todd Howard and Sean Murray. Though, running his mouth full of hype about his upcoming games apparently isn’t the worst thing he’s capable of.

Curiosity was a mobile game released in 2012 as a “social experiment.” It involved players chipping away at layers of a cube that contained a reward for the user who broke away the final layer. This would have been fine and dandy if the only issue was that no one ever received a reward, but there was another problem.

Molyneux’s studio at the time, 22Cans, implemented an item in the game known as a chisel, costing $50,000. This chisel worked over 100x better than a normal click and would allow users to make much better headway over the competition, finally leading to that sweet, sweet prize.

Ultimately, it’s unknown if anyone actually bought this chisel, and it’s also unknown if the intention of this game was to get one single person to buy said chisel, helping the studio turn a profit.

What is known, though, is that the winner, Bryan Henderson, received no reward due to several departures from the company - the ones responsible for communication. That rascal Molyneux strikes again.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.