10 Most Passionate Video Game Couples

6. Ezio & Cristina - Assassins Creed 2

Witcher 3

With his rugged good looks, and devilish charm, Ezio Auditore is one of the most beloved protagonists in the series, and unsurprisingly, a hit with the ladies. Lady Cristina was said to be one of the most beautiful women in all of Florence. No surprise then, that she had her fair-share of gentleman callers.

Initially when Ezio came a knocking, she was put off by his playboy attitude, but all of that changed after he protected her from an attack by the game’s main antagonist. This chivalrous act was enough to make her swoon for our famously undeterred, leather clad Casanova.

After the title screen plays, Ezio heads for a late-night romp with his lady love in one of the most infamous scenes in the franchise. In an act straight from Romeo and Juliet, Cristina swings her window open and provokes Ezio Inside.

Once inside, the player is given button prompts to ‘undress’ and ‘blow out candles’ to ehm, allow us to be part of the action?

What may stick in the minds of many though is what Ezio uttered before climbing through the window: “a minute is all I need… wait that came out wrong”.


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