10 Most Paused Video Game Moments Ever

5. Ewok Hunting - Stars Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront

For as derided as EA's first two Star Wars Battlefront games were, they were admittedly love letters to fans of the franchise. The look and feel of the sci-fi series was brought to life in painstakingly detail, with Easter eggs hidden all over for fans to hunt down.

The one everyone noticed straight away was on the Endor map, where you could discover Ewoks running away from the battle. Often found scampering in the distance, getting a glimpse of these little creatures was a bit like getting a picture of Bigfoot, as they had a habit of scampering into treehouses before you could get up close and personal.

Consequently most players had to quickly screen-grab images of them to make sure they weren't going crazy, with DICE later rewarding this dedication by releasing a whole Ewok Hunt mode for a limited time.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3