10 Most Popular Tekken Characters

3. Jin Kazama/Devil Jin

Tekken 7 Marshall Law

First Appearance: Tekken 3 (Jin Kazama), Tekken 5 (Devil Jin)

The Mishima clan have always been central to the Tekken franchise, and while Jin never specific takes up the Mishima family name, he is no less important to the storyline. Jin is the son of Kazuya and Jun, grandson of Heihachi and Kazumi, and great-grandson of Jinpachi. Despite his family ties, he openly despises the Mishima clan.

Jin was raised solely by Jun for most of his early life. He was taken in by Heihachi at the age of 15 after his mother was seemingly killed by Ogre. Jin trained with Heihachi, making it his mission to take down Ogre as revenge. Jin possesses the ‘Devil Gene’, something which his father and grandmother had also possessed, which allows him to transform into ‘Devil Jin’. Jin resents this side of himself as much as he despises the Mishima clan.

Unlike how Kazuya and Devil are seen in game as a transformation that the player can activate, Jin and Devil Jin are separate characters on the roster. The pair, while similar in gameplay, are different enough to be deserving of individual spots.

Jin often takes a central role in the games story since his debut in Tekken 3, with his struggle against his family and the ‘Devil Gene’ being central plot points. The Mishima characters are often considered fan favourites in the Tekken franchise and Jin, despite considering himself a ‘Kazama’, is no exception to this.

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Hey, Darren here! I'm a Media enthusiast with a strong passion for Film and Video Games. I graduated from Plymouth University in 2019 with a degree in Digital Media Design, and now I am here writing articles.