10 Most Powerful Characters In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

5. Happy Mask Salesman

Ganon Legend of Zelda

He’s a staple in both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s mask, and he always seems excited to see you. This one might seem strange, but bear with me. Happy Mask Salesman can turn somebody’s soul into a mere mask, effectively killing hem with a single shot. While many of the characters in the Zelda universe may be able to strike him down before he gets close to completing the transformation, he’s also able to stop time.

By halting the flow of time and using his song of healing ability, this character can transform anybody into a mask without fail. Look at his back, he even did it to Mario. Yes, the poor Italian plumber was no match from this franchise-hopping mask salesman. As well as the dozens of masks he has access to, he also has Majora’s Mask in his possession, making you wonder if he might be stronger than the evil spirit within.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!