10 Most Realistic PS5 Games

1. Red Dead Redemption 2

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Though we're sadly still waiting for an official next-gen update for Red Dead Redemption 2, playing the game on PS5 does nevertheless offer some minor performance boosts, making one of the most immersive video games of all time that much more real.

It goes without saying that RDR2 offers up an almost inexplicably believable open world sandbox for players to explore.

But beyond that, it's also packed with an ungodly amount of minute detail, from the extensive NPC behavioural routines to a fully functional animal ecosystem, scientifically accurate lunar cycles, and even the need to regularly clean your weapons.

Hell, the sluggish, even clunky manner with which protagonist Arthur Morgan controls actually left some fans complaining that Rockstar made the game too realistic for its own good, ultimately coming at the expense of the fun factor.

It is nevertheless a testament to Rockstar's basically peerless commitment to the finer details, and it goes without saying that their upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI will almost certainly earn itself a spot on this list.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.