10 Most Realistic PS5 Games

3. Alan Wake 2

alan wake 2 saga

Even accepting that it's a decidedly not-realistic survival horror game narratively-speaking, Alan Wake 2 was an undeniable landmark for almost unsettlingly lifelike visual detail.

Benefitting massively from Nvidia's coveted ray construction technology, every aspect of the game's aesthetic design - from the lighting of environments to the finer intricacies of characters' skin - is unfathomably rendered in painstaking detail.

But perhaps the most impressive thing about Alan Wake 2 is how seamlessly it blends live-action video footage with in-engine gameplay, the in-game recreations of actual human beings proving true enough that it's not always immediately obvious when a transition has taken place.

Given that the game is hardly a monstrous AAA behemoth budget-wise - though certainly wasn't cheap - its accomplishments are all the more laudable, using its note-perfect rendition of realistic lighting conditions and human expressiveness to make the horror that much more unnerving.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.