10 Most Ridiculous Character Names In Video Games

1. Bugenhagen - Final Fantasy VII

100px Bugenhagen Ffvii Field We all knew this would end with a Final Fantasy character, because only in a game like Final Fantasy can you get away with a name like Bugenhagen and still be one of the best games of all time. It bridges a place where it is almost so silly that it is actually cool, don't worry, I said almost, nice try Final Fantasy. This name is my number one for obvious reasons, I mean come on its Bugenhagen! I can't get over the fact that this isn't more of a conversation topic when you mention Final Fantasy VII. I suppose it shows how good of a game it is that this isn't even the first 5 things that come to mind when you think of Final Fantasy VII. But seriously....Bugenhagen? Well everyone, that what my list, who did I leave out? I'd love to hear your own list or any additions you might make to mine down in the comment section! Thanks for reading guys, "Captain, I cannot believe my ears!" - Spock
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Hi, I am Jessica and I'm just an average person that happens to spend an above average amount of her time playing video games.