10 Most Ridiculous Moments In Resident Evil History
8. Bleeding On My Umbrella, Ella, Ella! - Resident Evil 6
A little context: You've just killed what feels like Simmons' seventeenth form - the fly, I think it was(?) - now he transforms back into a human as he falls off a skyscraper.
And yes, even when you have mutated into twenty-five different species within the animal kingdom, that's still a ridiculous amount of blood!
Also, after the thirty-seven phases of Simmons' boss fight, why was it a sharp object into the back that put the final nail in his coffin? It wasn't the handgun, a magnum, rocket launcher, hammer of dawn or even a laser from space, it was a spike?! And why was there an Umbrella logo? And why did he return to a human form anyway, surely he was too far gone?
To be fair, a lot of those questions could be asked about previous RE games as well.