10 Most Ridiculous Things Gamers Can't Stop Arguing About

6. Western RPGs Vs JRPGs

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Much like arguing over whether classic Star Wars is better than modern Star Wars (it's all Star Wars, people) arguing for the ultimate supremacy of either Western or Japanese RPG titles seems to be missing the point somewhat.

The argument basically revolves around the question of whether Western RPG series' such as Mass Effect, The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, and Knights of the Old Republic, are better/worse than Japanese RPGs such as Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, or Pokemon.

Just listing those few from each side is enough to make most gamers salivate, but the debate rages on over which are objectively "better" - a quandary which is nigh on impossible to quantify.

What are we actually comparing here; Total units sold? Number of entries per franchise? Impact on popular culture? Whether or not Henry Cavill has played them?

It's nonsense when you think about it; how many of us have both Mass Effect and Dragon Quest games in our collections? How many of us completed Fire Emblem: Three Houses then immediately went back and replayed The Witcher 3 for the seventh time?

We don't passionately debate whether Western or Japanese developed platform or action games are better, so why do it with RPGs?

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...