10 Most Ridiculous Things You Did For Gaming
3. Buying Motion Control Attachments
Gaming is a two-pronged culture to immerse yourself in. On the one hand, you have to remind yourself that none of what you're doing is real and is a transient action to undertake. While on the other hand, the interaction has accelerated to the point where it mimics real life.
But perhaps where we draw the line, and suspend our disbelief, is when attachments to "enhance" the experience are released.
The Nintendo Wii was very guilty of this - you've got the controllers and remotes, but somehow it didn't feel like you were playing tennis, golf or rowing a boat unless you clipped a piece of plastic onto the end of your remotes. The games worked fine without them, but that leap into imagination wasn't possible unless the attachments were installed.
Exceptions have to be made for the likes of Guitar Hero (plastic drum kits and guitars) or Time Crises (plastic guns) since they were an essential part of the interface.
But a longbow attachment on the end of a motion control remote was just a few steps away from slipping into your Everton Football kit to play FIFA, or smearing war-paint on your cheeks to play Call of Duty.