10 Most Ridiculously Difficult Video Game Cheat Codes

1. The 2nd Controller Trick - Mega Man 3

Crash Bandicoot

The original version of Mega Man 3 allows players to access a number of nifty cheats by making use of a second NES controller, which more or less requires you to team up with a friend or reluctant relative.

By pressing various buttons on controller 2, players can become invincible, super jump, enter slow-mo, freeze time, escape bottomless pits, and toy with a number of other, more experimental gameplay features.

Given that most of these cheats require at least two buttons to be held simultaneously while also playing the game on the first controller, they're incredibly tricky to pull off solo - unless you've got freakishly nimble toes, at least.

While many fans assume that this was actually a QA feature which Capcom forgot to remove from the game, it is nevertheless an awesome added feature, especially if you've got a willing pal to help out.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.