10 Most Ridiculously Difficult Video Game Cheat Codes

5. Access All Levels - Crash Bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot
Universal Interactive

The original PS1 version of Crash Bandicoot features a password system which allows players to bypass tricky levels should they so wish. Best of all, there's a password which grants struggling players access to every single level in the game right off the bat.

But the 24-input code is as follows: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, X, X, and X.

That might seem simple enough, but remember that the majority of people using this code were kids, and given that most of the game's cheat codes are just 8 characters in length, triple that was a pure joke.

Players had virtually no chance of remembering the 24-character string, and even if you were reading it from a guide, it was incredibly easy to lose track of how many times you've already pressed Triangle.

It's probably fitting that one of the most deceptively difficult platformers of the '90s also makes you work up a sweat when inputting the damn cheat code.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.