10 Most Ridiculously Difficult Video Game Cheat Codes

3. The Naughty Mermaid - Wild Woody

Crash Bandicoot

Cult classic Sega CD platformer Wild Woody is perhaps best remembered for its "naughty mermaid" cheat, which would allow players to draw a topless version of the mermaid sketch power-up featured in the game.

Before you can even go about this, though, you need to enter an additional cheat code to unlock the game's debug mode, which will in turn allow you to view map coordinates which make the rest of the cheat much easier to execute.

To unlock debug mode, go to the title screen and hold Down, A, and C on controller 1 while simultaneously holding down Left and B on controller 2. You'll probably need a friend to help you here, but if you're successful, you'll hear a chime.

After this, use debug mode's level select feature to visit Pirate World Act 2, and you then need to pick up five different power-ups hidden throughout the level in a specific order, ending with the mermaid sketch power-up.

Now, open the sketchbook and draw the mermaid, and if you've followed all of these laborious steps right, you'll be briefly flashed by a topless, well-endowed mermaid.

The things people will do for a flash of skin...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.