10 Most Sacrilegious Video Game Moments

6. Plot Twist! Shelby Is The Killer - Heavy Rain

Metroid Other M Samus
Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain is a mostly enthralling interactive thriller in the vein of David Fincher's Se7en, but like most of David Cage's cinematic games, it's also pitted firmly against its own muddled storytelling.

This is no better felt than in the game's mess of a climax, where it's revealed that one of Heavy Rain's four playable characters, private eye Scott Shelby, has actually been the Origami Killer all along.

But this is more than merely a silly twist ending a game on a satisfactory note - it transpires into sacrilege because it violates the game's own rules in an incredibly reckless way.

Heavy Rain is concerned entirely with giving players the freedom to act out their own cinematic narrative, whereby divergent story paths can be taken and characters can even die before the game's climax.

But revealing Scott as the Origami Killer directly contradicts a sequence the player themselves has played through earlier in the game - a visit to an antiques shop which would make it impossible for Shelby to be the killer.

But of course, this scene is re-written at the game's end, revealing that we've been unknowingly following an unreliable presentation of events, as left many fans extremely disappointed.

This didn't so much feel like a clever subversion of expectations as it did a cheap moving of the dramatic goal posts in order to stop players guessing the big reveal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.