10 Most Shocking Deaths In Video Game History

7. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Mario Auditore

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDtI3c_uL_Y Brotherhood is one of the best games in the whole Assassin's Creed franchise. The decision to continue with an Ezio's story was a very difficult one. His revenge was complete, and in a way he didn't have a reason to continue with the path of the assassins. However the guys at Ubisoft were aware of this situation, and they handled that in a way that many of us didn't expect at the time the game's demo was released. Mario has always been there for us since early in Assassin's Creed II, he took care of us when we arrived to Monterigoni, he taught us how to become Assassins, and he helped us to finish our revenge. It wasn't only a surprise to see Monterigoni completely destroyed by a surprise attack, but to also see that Mario was murdered by the son of the man he refused to kill was one moment that surely defined Cesare Borgia as a despiteful villain. Truly a moment that left its mark on Ezio's life.
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