10 Most Underrated Nintendo 64 Boss Battles

6. Gohma - Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Gohma Ocarina Of Time

There are so many iconic and memorable boss battles in Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Whether it be King Dodongo, a boss battle that includes satisfyingly lobbing bombs into his throat or Shadow Link who expertly mirrors your every move and leaves you no choice but to mercilessly pound the deku nuts out of him with the Megaton Hammer.

Despite those great boss battles, this entry is reserved for the very first boss battle that Young Link faces: Gohma.

This parasitic armoured arachnid is draining the life of The Great Deku Tree and Link is tasked to destroy it.

After chopping and slashing through the Tree, Link comes across a dark, misty dungeon. The cave is silent apart from a scuttling sound like that of a Golden Skulltula. It is only when he looks up and sees the horrifying red eye ball that the boss battle commences.

Unfortunately there isn't a glass and rolled up magazine big enough to humanely let it out of the kitchen door so a combination of Link's slingshot and Kokiri sword will have to suffice, thus sending Gohma back to the spidery hell from whence it came.


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